Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Those Pesky Distractions To Liberty

Rising China and reinvigorated Russia under Putin’s tyrannical control, are among a legion of distractions to individual liberty in a nation easily distracted. Taking one’s eye off the prize has predictable and disastrous consequences. Since the 2020 election that installed Joe Biden as the 46th President, some have behaved as if Liberty has evanesced from earth. It’s understandable when one focuses on the bogey men under the bed. That’s exactly what the progressive Left, Socialist and Satan planned. It appears they never sleep, according to author Cheryl K. Chumley, whose compelling book entitled “Socialist Don’t Sleep,” reminds Christians we must …

Leaving Your Mark

America’s history is rife with those who’ve left their unique mark on our landscape, from our Founding Fathers to those who settled this land, built the infrastructure for future growth, railroads and highways connecting the East to the West. Churches and schools sprang up and the template for future technology blossomed. The Astors, Carnegies, Morgans, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and other capitalist moguls left their indelible mark on our existence. Inventors like Bell, Eastman, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, Morse, Ritty, Whitney and the Wright brothers, made our lives easier and broadened our horizons beyond our own shores. At the same time the federal …