Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
If Liberty Still Rings Your Bell

If Liberty Still Rings Your Bell

“If Liberty Still Rings Your Bell”

That was the catch-line from our forty, thirty second spots that ran on K-2 radio last week to advertise our first outdoor event, held last Saturday, “Liberty in the Park” September 9th, from 2-6PM, at Washington Park in Casper. This event was free to the public.

How did this end of Summer event turnout? External and internal feedback was overall positive. Over the four hour period, with the ebb and flow, we estimate that over one-hundred graced our event. There were a few newcomers, even a few youthful ones. Bill Ward provided music and accompaniment for the event. We had a bouncy house for kids two to twelve, a pop corn machine, free iced cold water, and The Dog House food truck provided a broad range of food, from hot dogs, to frozen lemonade, at reasonable prices.

We raffled a highly desirable Winchester XPR bolt action, 6.8 Western rifle, provided by a anonymous donor. Dollar totals from the gun raffle, auction items and individual donations were $2076. Pepper Ottman, Fremont County legislator, and event speaker, had the winning ticket for the gun raffle. She went home well armed, with a smile of surprise and delight.

Our format centered around Liberty minded speakers from our legislators, the Freedom Caucus, and grassroots individuals, representing counties from around the Cowboy State. After the invocation by Sherri Lewis, and Pledge of Allegiance by the Casper VFW Color Guard, Darci Gudger sang our National Anthem, with Bill Ward on the keyboard. It was a inspiring moment to behold. Our first speaker was LP4U’s own Bill Allemand, HD 58, reminding onlookers what Liberty looks like and what’s at stake. He introduced the next speaker, David Iverson, Cowboy State Politics, the most listened to Podcast in Wyoming. We also featured three talented homeschoolers, who entertained the crowd with their keyboard skill. They are the next generation of Patriots who understand that Virtuous Liberty is not self-perpetuating.

Next, State GOP chairman, Frank Eathorne, rode in on his trusty steed, to the surprise of many, as he dismounted, before being welcomed to the podium by LP4U’s MC Dan Sabrosky. Next, Wyoming Secretary of State, a staple at any Liberty event, spoke challenging and updating the crowd of his office’s effort to protect Liberty in Wyoming. Our State Treasurer Curt Meier was one of nineteen speakers that graced the stage on Saturday. If you missed this important event, Ken Pendergraft, Sheridan County legislator, who also spoke at the event, and host of The Ramble Room bean pod, recorded a number of speakers and highlights from Saturday’s “Liberty in the Park” on his recent pod bean at

A highlight of the event occurred when Leah Southwell, from the John Birch Society, presented The New American Legislative Scorecard Constitution Award to Wyoming legislators for their 100% voting record. All of our Natrona County legislators were recognized.

Our officers are in the process of assessing this venture. Compared to our town halls, the park venue is nearly three times the cost and more labor intensive. As in the past, we have trusted the Lord to meet our financial needs to continue to stage these events. Having faithful generous donors has permitted us to continue to do what God called us to do.

That being said, we still welcome our fellow Patriots and friends to contribute to help fund future events. We’ll invest it in advancing Virtuous Liberty in Natrona County, and beyond. Last Saturday, there were guest and participants from at least five counties.

We solicit your feedback and comments on our website, regarding issues on your mind, or suggestions to for us to consider. Feel free to contact us by phone at 307-267-1412.

For God and Virtuous Liberty,

Liberty’sPlace4U Officers