Liberty's Place 4 U WY

Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
Liberty's Place 4 U WY

Town Hall September 25th

Fellow Patriots,

Once again, we need you to stand with us. The battle’s in Natrona County. Join us on September 25th, at the Casper Ramkota Hotel, 800 N. Poplar, from 5:30 to 7:30, for a Town Hall on “Who Will Comply With Vaccine Mandates?” Our local healthcare workers are being coerced by Banner Health/Wyoming Medical Center’s mandate to make a life-altering choice; take the jab or lose your job! Their careers and livelihood are at peril. Wyoming Medical Freedom Advocates and like minded cohorts, who love liberty, are fighting back for autonomy to make choices in the workplace. Join their rally on September 16, 3:30PM, at the Casper College Union Hall, College Drive.

We’ve been meeting and listening to this group who face this mandate that is an egregious over-reach, rapidly eroding their individual liberty. They are angry and frightened at the outcome. Last night one of the physicians captured the essence of this form of tyranny, “It’s not about anyone’s health. It’s about control and power.” Tyranny masquerading as concern for patient health. This tactic unravels the fiber of our Constitutional Republic. Libertysplace4U will stand with them, helping to draw a line in the sand to resist this unambiguous assault on these healthcare workers ability to determine their own health destiny. They’ve been offered limited exemptions that only further invade their individual liberty.

November 1st is the deadline for the unvaccinated to be vaccinated or else, according to Banner Health’s corporate mandate. How will those who refuse to comply be removed from their jobs? What if a physician has planned delivering care at that time? Then what? What impact will it have on the hospital’s ability to deliver quality care? What about the significance of the Nuremberg Code, and the Nurses Code of ethnics? Do they still matter? Will Banner’s heavy handed policy continue unabated? We were informed last night that Community Health Centers of Central Wyoming will soon mandate their employees to choose the vaccination or else. Who’s next?

Join us at this critical town hall to hear brave patriots who do not want to comply with this tyrannical mandate. This time it’s healthcare workers. With Biden’s outrageous mandate targeted at companies of more that 100 employees, your job may be next. Spread the word of their plight. Attend, ask questions, and hear the compelling testimonies from those who deserve our unconstrained support. Bring a friend or family member to this watershed event. We’re inviting the Natrona County Sheriff, County Commissioners, local Police Chiefs, and City Council to join us too.

Will Governor Gordon’s call for a special session of the legislature, to pass a bill to halt such sweeping draconian, mandates, be too late to rescue our threatened healthcare workers? Can we count on you? This is another opportunity to engage in the fight for individual liberty. We understand some are still undecided on this issue. That’s another reason to attend this Town Hall. Be better informed. Face the truth.That hackneyed line “Following the Science” has left a wide swath of destruction in our community. Time and apathy are formidable adversaries in this noble cause for liberty. Fighting for its’ cause is rarely convenient. We’ll see you there.

Libertysplace4U’s Founders

Upcoming Events – September 2021

Thursday the September 16th, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

The Labor, Health and Social Services committee is meeting and talking about the vaccine mandates. Held at the University Building at Casper College. Committee’s Agenda

Thursday the September 16th, 3:30 PM

Freedom Rally against Medical Mandates: Outside the University Building at Casper College

Saturday the 18th at noon

Protest at the Capital in Cheyenne, regarding vaccine mandates.

Saturday September 25th, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Liberty’s Place 4 U WY Town Hall, at the Ramkota; 800 Poplar St., Casper, WY 82601 in the Southern Ballroom. Our subject will be about about the mask and vaccine mandates, and the vaccine passports.