Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
Category: <span>General</span>

Category: General

Finding Comfort Amidst Chaos

The clock ran out after twenty years in Afghanistan. Ten years too late. Pushed out by, according to Obama, the “JV” Taliban. We’re told all US troops are out, according to CenCom General Frank McKenzie, who dared to brag about the Taliban’s help. Sadly, we don’t know how many Americans are left behind. In a Republic seriously divided, politically and philosophically; succor’s in short supply today. It’s troubling to our allies and NATO partners, watching in disbelief at the inept and deadly decisions made about this Afghan withdrawal. Those left behind face death’s inevitability since our government granted legitimacy to …

Letter from Ammon Bundy

Hey Bob, Earlier today I had a friend reach out to me and ask what I thought about the hundreds of Los Angeles firefighters refusing to get the vaccine and vowing to fight the administration who is forcing it. Of course my response was “AWESOME AND ABOUT TIME!”. However, now that I have had a few hours to think about it I am a bit bothered that these COVID mandates have gone so far and the people’s response has been so weak and slow. If you remember, by this time last year my patriot friends and I had made international …