Liberty's Place 4 U WY

Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
Liberty's Place 4 U WY

Liberty in the Park

Liberty in the Park” on Saturday, September 9th.

Just before we nudge Summer out of the way, the celebration commences at 2PM, at Washington Park in Casper, Wyoming. It should wrap up around 6PM. School will be back in session, and we thought liberty-minded folks will be in the mood to celebrate our Independence, even if it’s not July 4th. There are solid reasons. One, to love it and nurture it, knowing it’s under assault, like no other time since 1775. Second, we plan to assure Virtuous Liberty’s future is bright, strong and vibrant. This outdoor event could appeal to some newcomers who have, for a variety of reasons, awakened to understand that one of our founding principles resonates with them, “Liberty is not self-perpetuating. It requires a force. We are that force.” We’ll need more foot soldiers who are relentless.

Click image to enlarge.

It will be a day of fun and fellowship, with like-minded speakers from around the state who will extol the Spirit of Liberty, reminding us that its pursuit is unceasing. Wyoming State GOP Chairman, Frank Eathorne will be one of our keynote speakers. Dave Iverson from the Cowboy State Politics podcast, and JR Riggins, political candidate. Legislators Bill Allemand, John Bear, Chip Neiman, Pepper Ottman, Ken Pendergraft and Jeanette Ward have confirmed their appearance. And, introducing Reid Rasner, political novice, who has officially launched his campaign to challenge U.S. Senator John Barasso. Other Liberty minded speakers have been invited as of this announcement. Grassroots groups and individuals from more than six counties have been invited to join us to celebrate “Liberty in the Park.” No admission charge.

Listen to inspiring music by our own Bill Ward, and other musicians, young and old, who understand music is a universal language of the heart. Food trucks will be there to satisfy your pallet. For our smaller Patriots, there will be a bouncy house, for ages 2 to 12. Something for everyone. During this time, we plan to have an auction off sundry items. Our sponsors and supporters of the cause of Liberty, have been invited to set up booths to display their wares or merchandise.

Plan now to be there. Mark your calendar, or set your Apple Watch. If your so inclined, ask God for favorable weather and safety for travelers. Bring your chair, or blanket on the ground, relax, and celebrate with us.


Liberty’sPlace4U Officers

Stand In The Gap

May 31, 2023

Fellow Patriots: “Stand In The Gap”

It’s hard to believe, this December, 2023, will mark Liberty’sPlace4UWY’s third year advancing Liberty in Natrona County, and beyond. When we first met, all weary of the Natrona County GOP, it wasn’t clear where to start, or how. In this short span of time, with God’s Guidance, we found our niche, and in that time have:

  • Conducted 9 town halls, focusing on subjects important to you, like Natrona County School Board members, and escalating property taxes.
  • Hosted two Liberty Summits including this year’s “Liberty’s Hunt 2024,” this April in Casper. This was a “watershed” event for Liberty that attracted grassroots Patriots from 11 Wyoming counties!

Many of you understand that these events are costly.

We are now in the planning stages of “Liberty’s Hunt 2024” an aggressive strategy to identify, recruit, and mentor potential candidates to help us take back our Wyoming Legislature in 2024.

But I have to be honest with you, right now there is a gap between our bank balance and what is needed in order to advance Liberty. Which is why I am writing to you today asking for your help.

Together we can win, we can take our state back, and restore the Liberties stolen from us by establishment GOP.

But we need your help!

Advancing Liberty is not without costs, and that is where like-minded patriots like yourselves come in.

Your generous donation will permit us to do the heavy lifting necessary to win the battle to restore our Liberty.

Whether it be $500, $250, $100, $25 or whatever you can afford to support this mission, it will be greatly appreciated, and be used judiciously.

I am sure that you love virtuous Liberty as much as I do, can I count on you to donate so we “Stand in the Gap” together?

With your help, we can continue fanning the flames of Liberty in Wyoming.

It’s clear the establishment GOP, and Democrats, are amassing a war-chest to sabotage our strategy, we must have the resources necessary to fight back!

John Adams understood Liberty is appreciated by only a few; the mass of men are indifferent to it.

Our appeal isn’t to the masses.

Our appeal is only to those who love the cause and know the cost.

We can accept donations online at, however, we can also accept check donations by mail as well. Checks can be sent to: Liberty’s Place 4 U WY * 3841 E. 15th Street, #606 * Casper, WY 82609.

Thank you in advance for your generous donation.

Loving Liberty,
President, Mike Pyatt

P.S.: Taking on and exposing the establishment GOP and unseating Good O’ Boys is not without expense.

Your generous donations will help ensure that we can take on the Leviathan that is feasting upon our Liberties right here in Wyoming.

Your donation of $500, $250, $100, $25, or whatever you can afford, will help us continue to not only fight the establishment, but continue to keep you informed about what is happening in the county and state GOP’s, the legislature, as well as our county and local municipalities.

Together we can win, we can take our state back, and restore the liberties stolen from us by undocumented democrats, i.e., RINOs!