Liberty's Place 4 U WY

Community sharing ideas promoting Freedom and Liberty
Liberty's Place 4 U WY

“Liberty’s Hunt 2024” Follow Up

Thanks For Attending Liberty’sPlace4U’s “Liberty’s Hunt 2024”

Liberty. It’s what we do. We consider ourselves Patriots. It’s apparent you do too. There we were, assembled in Casper, 86 Patriots, in one location, gathered last month to hear each other’s passion and concerns regarding the state of Liberty in Wyoming. From the post event comments, it worked.

Hearing from you was inspiring to discover we are on the same page regarding Liberty. It appeared you felt right at home, as each one shared their experiences in the past, and where you plan to be by 2024. It was evident that you are passionate about Liberty, as we are. It was palpable to most.

That day, we offered a template for identifying, recruiting and developing potential candidates to replace those house and senate members, held by legislators whose votes and behaviors are counter-intuitive to advancing Liberty’s interest. They no longer represent our’s, but their own careerist impulses. We are obligated to repudiate their agenda, and replace them with candidates who understand the high cost of advancing Liberty. It takes more than a proclamation to enable those willing to do what it takes, with our help, to prevail in 2024. It will require heavy lifting by many engaged in the process.

It’s incumbent upon all of us to assess and improve our ability to network together, connecting with one another so we can share our collective insight, and wisdom, consolidated to help one another remove obstacles to Liberty. That gathering represented unshackled potential synergy-the ability to be stronger together, while still retaining our unique organic beginnings, yet understanding we are not in this foray alone.

Liberty’sPlace4UWY understands what has worked in our county. Let’s exchange ideas and strategies that will help us meet the manifold challenges ahead, where you live and breathe, concurrently advancing Liberty. One thing was clear; failure is not an option. We must be relentless, and resist any inclination to be smug, or rest upon our laurels from past victories. That could jeopardize our pursuit to navigate this circuitous road of Liberty.

Please let us hear your ideas, opinions and suggestions. Before we devote more time and resources, your timely feedback is vital. Don’t forget to register and take advantage of the website established as a “one stop shop” for ideas and information. A Petrie dish for growth.

Go to the website Apply to participate, complete the form, and submit. List only the contact person for your group. Phone information is optional. That information will be published on the website. Any questions? If you don’t have a website, contact Stay restless for Liberty, and stay engaged. Liberty isn’t self-perpetuating. We are grateful for your participation. We’ve just begun. May we never take God’s Blessings for granted.

Wyoming Freedom Caucus Town Hall

Join the  Wyoming Freedom Caucus Saturday April 15th, to help them kick off their statewide Town Hall Tour.

Come meet many of the Wyoming Freedom Caucus members, including some of our own local Natrona County legislators.

Special appearance by Secretary of State Chuck Gray is also expected.

Date:  April 15th
Time:  10am to 12:00pm
Where:  Hilton Garden Inn, 150 N. Poplar, Casper, Wyoming

For more information: Facebook Events